Thursday, September 15, 2011

“Have you the rwing?”

We’ve had a sad thing occur recently.  It happened for a happy reason, but nonetheless I’m quite unhappy about it.

I’ve lost my wedding ring.  Yes, the ring Wendi lovingly placed on my finger almost 11 years ago to remind us of our eternal union; the ring she gave me the day we were married as a symbol to the world that I belong to her. 

Yes, THAT wedding ring…   

I have no idea where it is.  I have no idea exactly when I lost it.  I NEVER take it off, so it was quite the surprise when I looked down at my finger one day a few weeks ago and noticed that it wasn’t there.  I love my wedding ring.  It has been getting loose for the past few months as my fingers have become more “lean.”  I planned to get it resized once I hit my goal weight.

I did take it off at the beach a couple months ago and put it on my key ring so I wouldn’t lose it, and didn’t remember to put it back on until after we took family pictures.  This loss is totally different though.

This time, I didn’t even take it off – it fell off…somewhere – either in my sleep, or when I threw something away, or… I have NO IDEA!  And it breaks my heart.

So Wendi has been kind enough to let me use a ring she got in Jerusalem.

It has her name in Hebrew stamped out of it.  It’s cool – and it fits! 

 And I think it’s pretty appropriate for a temporary replacement.


  1. Oh! I hope you find it. My husband has lost a lot of weight recently and can finally wear his wedding ring again. He hasn't worn it for several years. It felt great to see it on his finger again.

  2. Hi Joe!!

    Congrats on the weight loss!! That's awesome and your family is beautiful.

    I can honestly understand your heartbreak. After being married only 2 years, I lost my beautiful, dream come true, exactly what I wanted engagement ring-platinum band with 3 square diamonds, with our names engraved inside I LOVED that ring so much and cried for weeks-. I had lost all my weight from having a baby and lost more, so it was loose. I did not leave my house that day,and like you, I looked down and it was gone. I freaked out!!! My husband was so calm about it-not me. I'm pretty sure I flushed it. For months I tore my house apart, corner by corner, to no avail. I sure hope your ring does turn up, though!!
